VLC Player Shortcuts
In this tutorial you can fix sync problems etc. using your keyboard.
VLC is a very versatile media player that can play anything you throw on it, but very so often you really won’t be able to figure out the controls. If you didn’t know, you can get a lot of things done on VLC Player just by using keyboard shortcuts.
Here goes a list of keyboard shortcuts for VLC player:
Space Play/Pause
s Stop
+ Play faster
- Play Slower
t Position
n Next Item
p Previous Item
f Fullscreen
m Mute
Shift+Rt Arrow Forward 3 seconds
Shift+Lt Arrow Backward 3 seconds
Alt+Rt Arrow Forward 10 seconds
Alt+Lt Arrow Backward 10 seconds
Ctrl+q Quit
Ctrl+Up Arrow Volume up
Ctrl+Dn Arrow Volume down
Ctrl+Rt Arrow Forward 1 minute
Ctrl+Lt Arrow Backward 1 minute
Ctrl+r Record
Alt+Ctrl+S Video Snapshot
Ctrl+m DVD Menu
Ctrl+p Select Previous DVD Title
Ctrl+n Select Next DVD Title
Ctrl+B Bookmarks
Ctrl+P Playlist
Ctrl+I Stream, Media Info
Ctrl+S Preferences
Ctrl+G Extended GUI
ctrl + l
ctrl + k
incrementally add or remove delay (in case the movie is out of sync)
For your note, all these shortcuts are customizable. You can play with them in the Edit >> Preferences Dialog.
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